Thursday, November 18, 2010

Arnold Takes a Stand for the Environment

Although Arnold Schwarzenegger will be leaving office soon, making room for Jerry Brown, he is continuing his stand for clean energy and saving the environment. At a meeting at UC Davis on tuesday, Schwrzenegger met with the Oregon Governor and British Colombia Premier to talk about environmental goals for the future.
"Action is needed now. We can't afford to wait for national and international movement," said Schwarzenegger.

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California must continue to lead the United States in clean energy regulations and goals for saving our environment in the future. Meetings such as those in Cancun and Copenhagen, must continue to take place between the major countries of the world in order for the world to see any positive hopes for its future.

New Minority Speaker in the House

Nancy Pelosi was elected the leader of the minority group in the House of Representatives. After a 62 seat loss for her party in the previous election, there was much controversy over weather or not Pelosi would be reelected for this position. Although she did crush her competitor Heath Shuler, many moderate voters were upset with the decision.
"Angry moderates who lost their elections ripped into the soon-to-be-former speaker, but they are on their way out, leaving behind a smaller but more liberal minority."
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Many believe Pelosi is dedicated to her party, and will continue to make a stand against republican leaders, just as she did as minority leader of the House during the Bush administration. With only an 8 percent popularity rating, it is obvious that people do not see what they may have seen from Nancy Pelosi in her previous years of government, but only time will tell if she will recover from it.

The Battle of Major Corporations

In Economics the past week, we have been working with the stock exchange, and becoming more familiar with trading and watching stocks. So far, it seems that major corporations offer a safe bet for investors, with a stock value that does not fluctuate as much as some small businesses. Microsoft and Facebook have recently announced their collaboration, in an attempt to challenge the major search engine Google.
 "When you add all of these (collaborations) up - and there seem to be more of them every week - then it really is a very substantial threat to Google," said Ray Valdes, an analyst with Gartner Inc.

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It will be interesting to follow the stock prices of these companies and watch the results the new software ideas have on the market. It is important for companies such as Microsoft and Facebook to challenge leaders in certain industries, and promote the development of new products and ideas.