Wednesday, December 8, 2010

More Tax Cuts?

This week, President Obama and the Democrats agreed to extend the Bush Tax cuts in an effort to prevent any further damage to the U.S. economy. Although some democrats are angry that Obama did not give up with a fight, many economists believe this may provide results for the bad economic situation,
"Forecasting firms on Tuesday upgraded their estimates for growth and job gains over the next two years. Economists at Goldman Sachs, who have been more negative and more accurate than most Wall Street forecasters lately, called the deal “significantly more positive” than they had anticipated.  "     Read more:
 Policy experts, including major leaders in Washington such as Robert Greenstein approve of the tax cuts and believe they will bring jobs to America. Although this package may offer some relief to the economic crisis, some still believe even more should have been done. The financial Crisis has caused serious unemployment issues, and may continue to threaten our economy unless kept checked and under control.