Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ali G - Economics

Ali G talks economics with former Chief Economics Advisor for President Carter.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Could changing Chinas' currency value help the U.S. economy?

The United States is pushing China to higher the value of their currency, which is undervalued by about 20 percent. Raising the value of China's currency, the Renminbi, would support many of the low wage workers throughout Chinas factories, and help bring people out of poverty, giving them some disposable income.
"This is the path that rising economic powers, from Germany to the United States to Japan, have taken before. They start as exporters and then build up a thriving domestic economy. It’s the path China needs to take now, for the sake of its citizens and for the world."     
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 Although raising the value of the Renminbi would bring many low wage laborers out of poverty, that would also force big businesses'  to pay their workers more, when they rely on cheap labor for their business. In the long-run, a raise in the value of China's currency will ultimately pay off with a better economy as well as higher paid workers. China's big business's must stop corporate greed, and distribute some of the continually growing profits to their low wage workers.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Alternates to Fossil Fuels

State Regulators recently approved the Abengoa Mojave Solar Project for construction. President Obama awarded a 1.45 Billion dollar Federal Loan guarantee for this project in the spring of July, that will be used to construct a 250 megawatt solar installation in southwest Phoenix.
The Mojave plant is scheduled to start producing energy commercially by the early 2013. The installation will use technology in which the sun hits curved parabolic mirrors arranged in troughs that heat fluid. The heated fluid then generates steam that produces electricity as it expands through steam turbine generators.  
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 Projects like Abengoa, that reduce our reliance on foreign fossil fuels need to be encouraged by our government, and should be rewarded advantages to products that increase our carbon dioxide emissions. Scientists must continue to expand their work with clean energy resources in order for the World to see a change from its current Global Crisis. The state and nation must continue to reward clean energy, passing bills that promote and encourage investment in green resources.

An Unexpected Solution to the Worlds Energy Problem

Researchers in Scotland have recently discovered that the byproducts from manufacturing whisky can be used as biofuels. Scotland's 6 billion dollar whisky industry can provides a good amount of this biofuel, and plans to be available at gas stations around Europe by 2020.
"The fuel produced is butanol, which produces 30 percent more energy per gallon than ethanol.
Best of all, the biofuel could go straight into your car's tank, with no rejiggering required. It could eventually be used as jet fuel as well."
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The World will need to seek out solutions such as these recycled biofuels  in order to solve the Global Warming crisis. America needs to step forward and take the initiative on this problem, as Thomas Friedman calls it, "Code Green". It is up to the young generation to solve this Global Crisis, and it will only happen by the encouragement of energy efficient solutions that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Finding a "Green" battery

Agencies such as ARPA-E (Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy) provide the answer to Thomas Friedman's "Code Green". New sources of alternative energy must be discovered to replace the worlds current fossil fuels and oils, in order for our generation to see the decline of Global Warming.
                "Most research on renewable energy has focused on replacing the electricity that now comes from burning coal and natural gas...A lot of problems could be solved with a renewable replacement for oil-based gasoline and diesel in the fuel tank — either a new liquid fuel or a much better battery."

Agencies such as ARPA-E donating money towards research is the only way the world will overcome the problem Global Warming presents to our environment. It is vital that scientists come up with an alternative to fossil fuels, that is energy efficient, affordable, and environmentally friendly. Investments in Green technology must continue in order to find a renewable, clean resource that will not harm our environment.

Plug-in cars provide an answer to global warming

Plug-in electric cars are a perfect example of steps that need to be taken in the worlds "Green Revolution" in order to save our planet from Global Warming. The burning of fossil fuels in our current low gas mileage cars accounts for a huge amount of carbon dioxide being poured into our atmosphere. Not only do electric cars provide a solution to Global warming, they also offer car owners an opportunity to save money while saving the environment.

 "I've found something that is reliable, makes a positive impact on
my life and will save me money - a plug-in electric car."

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These electric cars can be plugged into a standard 110-volt outlet and can be fully charged in only three hours. Along with Toyota, other car companies such as Nissan and Chevy plan to release new plug-in cars. Electric cars provide an alternative to one of the worlds greatest sources of pollution, and seem to provide hope that the world will solve the Global Warming crisis. 

The struggles of finding new "Green" technoogy

As Thomas Friedman said in his in his book, Hot, Flat and Crowded, America is in need of a "Green Revolution". Although America is already taking steps towards saving the earth from global warming, new sources of green technology seem to present new problems.

"If we told you that a poorly regulated energy facility killed thousands of birds this year, you could assume we were talking about BP's Deepwater Horizon platform in the Gulf of Mexico. But we also could be talking about the Altamont Pass wind farm east of San Francisco, which has been killing thousands of migratory birds and protected raptors since the 1980s."

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Although the wind turbines in the Altamont pass offer a huge resource of renewable energy, they also kill thousands of birds every year. Environmentalists are split on this issue, with some supporting renewable energy, while others, such as the major oil companies, stress the negative effects. The wind turbines of the Altamont Pass provide a huge amount of green energy, but the negative impacts they have on the local environment must be fixed in order to see its continual success. Alternative Energy resources such as this are the answer to the problem our generation faces, and our society must stress the importance of "Code Green" in order to see change in the future.