Thursday, September 2, 2010

The struggles of finding new "Green" technoogy

As Thomas Friedman said in his in his book, Hot, Flat and Crowded, America is in need of a "Green Revolution". Although America is already taking steps towards saving the earth from global warming, new sources of green technology seem to present new problems.

"If we told you that a poorly regulated energy facility killed thousands of birds this year, you could assume we were talking about BP's Deepwater Horizon platform in the Gulf of Mexico. But we also could be talking about the Altamont Pass wind farm east of San Francisco, which has been killing thousands of migratory birds and protected raptors since the 1980s."

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Although the wind turbines in the Altamont pass offer a huge resource of renewable energy, they also kill thousands of birds every year. Environmentalists are split on this issue, with some supporting renewable energy, while others, such as the major oil companies, stress the negative effects. The wind turbines of the Altamont Pass provide a huge amount of green energy, but the negative impacts they have on the local environment must be fixed in order to see its continual success. Alternative Energy resources such as this are the answer to the problem our generation faces, and our society must stress the importance of "Code Green" in order to see change in the future.

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