Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Battle of Major Corporations

In Economics the past week, we have been working with the stock exchange, and becoming more familiar with trading and watching stocks. So far, it seems that major corporations offer a safe bet for investors, with a stock value that does not fluctuate as much as some small businesses. Microsoft and Facebook have recently announced their collaboration, in an attempt to challenge the major search engine Google.
 "When you add all of these (collaborations) up - and there seem to be more of them every week - then it really is a very substantial threat to Google," said Ray Valdes, an analyst with Gartner Inc.

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It will be interesting to follow the stock prices of these companies and watch the results the new software ideas have on the market. It is important for companies such as Microsoft and Facebook to challenge leaders in certain industries, and promote the development of new products and ideas.

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