Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bill Gates Supports Prop 23

Bill Gates has made a $700,000 donation against proposition 23, which would cut back state requirements on green energy as well as continue California's reliance on oil. Gates made this donation from money out of his own pocket in an effort to end our reliance on foreign oil.
"Prop 23 opponents, like Gates, have given nearly $30 million to defeat the proposal, outraising supporters by almost three to one, according to Bloomberg.Prop 23 would freeze California’s stringent requirements that aim to reduce carbon emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, until the state’s unemployment rate is at or below 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters. The state’s unemployment rate now stands at about 12 percent".
                                        Read more: Bill Gates joins California Prop 23 battle 
It is becomes more and more important to cut our reliance on limited foreign oil as we continue to see the devastating effects greenhouse gases have on our environment. Prop. 23, and the Texas oil companies supporting it,  threatens to set back all of the regulations California has imposed to stop our reliance on oil, and invest in renewable energy.

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