Thursday, October 14, 2010

Can the Tea Party Win Enough Races to have an Influence?

As we near the mid-term elections, it is more and more evident that the Tea Party could win itself a greater influence in our government. The Tea Party intends to rebuild our government by cutting taxes and spending as well as repealing the healthcare legislation and financial regulations passed this year during the Democratic majority of the house and senate. Many Americans are turning to the Tea Party looking for government leaders that will act in the interest of the people.
"With a little more than two weeks till Election Day, 33 Tea Party-backed candidates are in tossup races or running in House districts that are solidly or leaning Republican, and 8 stand a good or better chance of winning Senate seats."
Although many Americans are turning to the Tea Party, the majority seem to be coming from the Republican party. The divide between the Tea Party and Republican party has enabled the Democratic party to take a majority control. The Tea Party has already performed better than many have expected, and continues to grow. Only the future will tell if the Tea Party will continue to rise as a governing party.

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