Friday, April 29, 2011

Government Censoring Media

The way war is reported by the media has a huge affect on the public. Graphic scenes of wounded soldiers and battle scenes can depict the war in a way that alters opinions. The government played a key role in censorship of  the Gulf War. The Allied Coalition sought to "ensure that the media reported the truth as the military saw it". Many argued that what the press was allowed to see during the war did not depict the whole story, and rather the story as the U.S. government wanted it to be told. The military won extremely positive coverage during the war as a result of  restrictions on issues that they wanted to be censored from the public, press pools, and provided limited access and coverage. I believe this was totally wrong. The public should be informed on the truth, and should understand what is truly happening in the war in which our citizens are dying for. The government has recently begun lifting these restriction for the current war in Iraq. It is important for the people to be educated on the truth of the war, not a censored opinion of our military's success. Read More Here

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