Thursday, February 24, 2011

A Healthcare Plan for the Homeless

20 years ago UC Berkeley students began to serve the homeless using a suitcase full of medical supplies. This idea has now expanded into a series of clinics set up in Berkeley, dedicated to providing basic healthcare for homeless adults and children. Students at UC Santa Cruz have adopted the mobile suitcase clinic idea as a way to support the homeless community in Santa Cruz, which accounts for one percent of the population.
"By giving our basic services and being mobile we can find out what is needed,” Petraki said. “Our goal is to fill in the gaps of what other clinics aren’t providing, like the free services.” Read More
 These students are providing the homeless with additional care other than what is offered by many food banks and community organizations. The student volunteers are reaching out to the homeless by providing mobile services that do not require people to make appointments. This program is run as a result of volunteer work and donated supplies. It is important for communities to continue to set up creative help opportunities such as the mobile suitcase clinic.

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